Central Okanagan Railway Company

Greenwood is done and waiting for the first train.

….although I’m sure there will be additions here, there and everywhere.  A car and some flashing lights I expect.  Lets see how it goes. We should take a quick tour around town and ask for suggestions. We’ll drop over to the station first.


It’s a busy little place.  Quite idyllic actually.  A few passengers sitting in the sun and an old dog waiting to go home. But it’s in a rather run down neighbourhood.  The scrap metal dealer is right over the tracks.


and his back yard isn’t any better than the front.  But it’s been seen by fewer people and thats’ a good thing.



Right across the street from the station is the bulk oil dealer.  Well every small town has one and I guess they have to be somewhere.




And next door to the oil shop is the town machine shop.  They probably get a lot of their stuff from the scrap guy over the road.


The country side open up behind the bulk oil and starts to resemble why we like it here.  Birds, the sound of the creek and the wind in the trees.  That track on the right leads off into the small servicing facility. 


That small shop gets to be a busy place from time to time as there is nothing else between Grand Forks and Midway.


An over view shows off the very best of Greenwood.  It’s a place where you can let your kids run free and the neighbours will keep an eye on them.  


So, except for that flashing x-ing light at the station track we’re pretty much done here.  Moving on the Penticton and Nelson next.  

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