There’s always plenty of action in Lower Summerland. The big mill is a scene of immense activity. Powerful trucks carrying loads of logs beat a steady path through the mountains and down to the Mill. Saws saw, chippers chip and the machinery of the lumber industry goes on 24/7. There might even be a train dropping off cars for us to load.
Not today though. Today we ship our lumber out by boat.

The Sawmill
The lumber leaves the mill and heads down Old Logging Road towards the offices of the dock yard. They’re expecting us so the sorting and the transfer is easy. Some will leave by train and some will be sent down the lake by barge.

The old road
The crew at the yard office doesn’t hang around there full time. Train and barge service are both scheduled so guys from the mill can be down there when needed. Some days are short and some are long.

Yard Offices
The mill has it’s own office down at the yard making it easy for customers to pick up a few things directly as soon as they’re brought in by that same train or the same barge and tug boat service.

The Lumber Yard
At the water front the tug boat has just delivered a outside braced boxcar with parts for the mill. A plainer has been down for over a week and the boys are anxious to catch up on their hours.

The barge service also moves small, hand carried items when needed. Less-than-carload invoices are not uncommon and even small items can be vital.

Down by the Dockyard
Away from work, the shore line is a busy place in the summer as well. The trail down to the lighthouse is dangerous but it never stopped a local from enjoying a day at the beach.

Swim Bay