Central Okanagan Railway Company

Creating a small mountain stream

       The canyon is almost finished.  The waterfall is in place and the high walls of the canyon disappear in the treas far to the back.  Almost no sunlight reaches down into the water below.

       So what is this water anyway?

2 part epoxy - please identify

       Out club got this 2 part epoxy from an estate and we have no idea what type it is and of course, out of the box, we have no idea what the instructions are.  Apart from being advised that we should not induce vomiting and the volume of the containers only suggests a 2 to 1 ratio we have nothing.

        If anyone can identify these containers and give us a clue about their use we would be grateful because I’m sure as the devil not going to spoil hours of work by pouring the unknown stuff on our river.

       You can leave comments here or contact us at wvrr@shaw.ca



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