Central Okanagan Railway Company

Massive upgrade planned for Summerland

The large peninsula that is Summerland and the Okanagan Sawmills facility has been unchanged for over 10 years and it’s showing it’s age. It is a visitors first real close-up look at the display. Changes are planned for the months of February and March 2014.


We plan to strip it all down to the foundations, replace and slightly realign all the sub roadbed, lay new track and new sidings, reposition the Summerland Station for better operation and rebuild all the mountainous scenery using up to date, more realistic products. This will also afford us the opportunity to rework the wiring and signal lines that have been tampered with over the years and add a nice new siding and spur to the sawmill complex.

No expense will be spared and many hours logged in to make this the very finest part of the Central Okanagan Railway Company operation. There. I said it. Now we just have to live up to the hype. We’ll talk again in April and we’ll see you again in the spring.

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